Forces Equine Games Logo
Forces Equine Games Logo

Combined Training

A two day event.

Combined Training

A two day event.


CT (Combined Training) open (O) classes are an additional £5 per class, on top of your entry for;

Show Jumping (Sunday)

Dressage (Monday) as per classes below.

The presentation for this section, will be held on Monday at 16:30hrs

Combined Training

CT: 0.70m - Prelim 2 (O)
CT: 0.80m - Prelim 18 (O)
CT: 0.90m - Novice 24 (O)
CT4: 1.00m - Elementary 44 (O)
CT6: 1.00m - Elementary 50 (O)
Forces Equine Logo
Forces Equine Logo
Armed Forces Covenant