Run under British Dressage & British Show Jumping Rules.
Championship classes: Riders who have qualified, these results will be uploaded to the website every month, qualification closes on 31st March 2025.
Spurs are allowed.
Whips & callers are not allowed in the Championship sections, they are allowed in all open classes.
12 monthly Flu Vacs Booster BEF vaccination update - The Official Website of British Showjumping
Entries in advance only (with the exception of our Gala Games evening class). You can book using the Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Weston Lawns including Show Stable, Hook-up, Bedding & Fodder Bookings.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.
Entry Fees;
- (O) Open & (Q) Qualifiers £10.00 per class
- (C) Championships Classes;
- Dressage £15.00 per class
- 0.50m & 0.60m £12.00 per class
- 0.70m - 1.05m classes £15.00 per class
- Combined Training classes are an additional £5.00 per combination
£4.00 per rider per day for First Aid.
STABLING & ancillaries
Stables, Hook-up, Bedding & Fodder Bookings. You can book using the Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Weston Lawns.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.
Stables are £15 per night, £45 for the duration = Fri, Sat & Sun night
These can be booked for 1, 2 or duration of the show & are subject to a £20 clean stable deposit which will be refunded upon inspection.
Hook-up is £25 per night, £75 duration = Fri, Sat & Sun night
Haylage £50 large bales
Shavings £10 per bag
All horses to have 3rd party liability.
All vaccinations to be up to date.
Passports to be for the correct horse, spot checks will take place.
No horses/ponies to be left unattended at any time on site.
No children under the age of 16 to be left alone with a horse/pony.
Dogs to be always on leads.
No own food or drink to be consumed in Weston Lawns bar, cafés, or restaurant.
Stables to be cleaned out and left as per arrival, £20 deposit will be refunded upon inspection.
Show Stable, Hook-up, Bedding & Fodder Bookings Only via the Secure Online Entry System.
12 monthly Flu Vacs Booster BEF vaccination update - The Official Website of British Showjumping
Refunds: There are no refunds on entries within 48 hours of the show starting (18:00hrs 21st May 2025). If you have already withdrawn outside of that window, please contact the venue directly.